Invisibles in the Neo City

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Ai Hasegawa

How will human lives change through future technology

Parallel Tummy 2073

Ai Hasegawa
Ai Hasegawa
Ai Hasegawa


Ai Hasegawa, who has been proposing “A future that might be” as well as carrying out detailed scientific research, has released a participation-based role-playing installation with the theme of “a future where you can select your living environment, whether land or sea, and artificial wombs are possible” set in future Tokyo.

The participants talk about what choice they would make if it were up to them, and what sort of dramas would unfold.

In a recent workshop, a number of scenarios were created for changes to systems, lifestyles, and values in future cities.

Visitors can freely write down their expectations, worries, their own views of new futures and so on regarding these scenarios, and a variety of debates will be held during the exhibition period.

By imagining these fictitious futures and virtually experiencing them, this project will generate stories about a number of lifestyles.

What sort of lifestyle would you choose in a future.


Center for Multidisciplinary and Design Science, School of Integrated Design Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Keio University / Kyoto Institute of Technology


Ai Hasegawa

Ai Hasegawa

Artist. Using methods such as bio-art and speculative design, she creates works based on a motif of biological issues and scientific and technological progress to uncover the various issues that lie beneath contemporary society. Graduate of IAMAS, RCA, and MIT Media Lab. Appointed Associate Professor at Keio University Faculty of Science and Technology in 2023.